Who Would Have Thought A Little Girl Like You Could Destroy My Beautiful Wickedness

Wow the past few days have just become a blur. First of all I want to apologize about missing out on three days worth of blogging. Just to fill you in. Early Friday morning around 3:00 AM I slipped into another seizure. It lasted about an hour. However, for the first time ever I was able to come out of it for the first time ever without having to go to the hospital!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited. I then spent that day in bed and have been on the go leading my youth group ever since. So I am finding ime today to get back to the blog.

I think back to The Wizard of Oz, and how in the story Dorothy was just a little girl. In the 1939 movie version Judy Garland was much older than the books depicted the character, and Shirley Temple was actually the first choice for the role. In the story though, Dorothy’s family just wants her to stay out of the way. She was young and was not expected to be much help on the farm. I mean seriously what much can a young person do? Well if you remember the rest of the story, she ends up defeating the two main evils that Oz had at the time. Who would have ever thought that a little girl could ever defeat such wickedness. The witch even said in her last words “Who would have thought a little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness.” This makes me think back to what the Bible says in regards to the situation.

1st Timothy 4:12 states “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” In society, we often don’t expect much out of the youth of our nation. But is that really fair? The thing is time and time again we are being proven wrong though. Take Ashley Qualls for example. She became a millionaire by creating a website and designing her own myspace layouts., all at the age of 17. There is also Andrew Sutherland, a 15 year old who invented a software to help him learn french, which soon turned into a successful empire. I also think of Garret Yazzie. At the age of 13 he had built a self sustainable power source that was able to provide enough electricity to power his family’s entire house. Now I am not saying that every young person is going to turn into a successful entrepreneur. I am however sating that young people should never let anyone tell them what they cannot do. 1st Timothy also tells young people to “Not neglect their gifts”.

Just like Dorothy super-exceeded all the expectations of her family and defeated the two great evil rulers of Oz, young people should heed the same advice from 1st Timothy, and always strive to set the example for leaders. I challenge all young people who read this to really take the verses in 1st Timothy to heart. Strive to set the bar of how Christians are supposed to live their lives. Learn from your mistakes, and always yearn to fulfill God’s will.


Dear Lord,

                  I thank you so much for the youth of our world. I pray for you to give them guidance and support in all of their trials and tribulations throughout life. I pray for you to lift them up and wrap your arms around them. I pray for Josh. I love him so much, and hope he realizes this. He is an amazing mentor and friend to me. I thank you for putting him into my life. I yearn for his wisdom and guidance. I pray for your hands to surround him as he leads the youth. I thank you for my friend David. I thank you for the brotherhood we are building together. I thank you for the entire leadership team. I pray for us to grow stronger and more unified. I pray for us to bond into a rock solid core, capable of fulfilling your will. I pray for the Lion in my life. He wants to know so much about you, and I have begun to start to see him making good choices in life. God I want to thank you for Nick. He is such an inspiration to me, I pray for you to show him the best path for his life. He is a warrior for you. Keep him on fire for your will. I pray for the two Tinmen (women) in my life. I pray for the bonds that are forming between us. I pray that they seek you and become saved by your grace. I can tell they want to be loved so much. Please let your live shine through me so that they will desire to have a relationship with you. Lord I thank you so much for my wife Nova. Today is our three year anniversary and if it were not for you we would have never made it thus far. I pray for 100 more years of happiness and bliss together. As I get ready to help with the small groups tonight, I pray for your glory to shine through me. I pray for the students to trust you and to grow closer through that trust. I thank you for my three divas. They all are amazing women. Their endless love is so warm. Without them I would truly be a mess. Their friendship is a testimony to the bonds and relationships you desire for all of us. 


Yours in Christ

Jake Harper

Day 5 of 100 Days of Discipline

Day 3 Seizure Free

One response to this post.

  1. I am a mother of four adult children and one teenager and I absolutely love this. I will share with others in Columbus, Georgia too. God bless you. Much love.


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